In my opinion the meaning of an auto-immune disorder is simply an autoimmune disease that causes autoimmunity. This disease is more common than many people think and perhaps we are just beginning to recognize it for what it is. Since it was first described by J.D. Price in his book Auto Memories, Price indicated that an individual with an auto-immune disease would exhibit “profound and permanent disability or abnormal affliction of some kind.”
Auto-immune disorders have been described in medical terms as any type of chronic inflammation. In laymen’s terms, this means that your body has become allergic to some substances that normally do not cause harm. This is not to say that every person with an auto-immune disease suffers from allergy-related flare-ups, but if your body is producing antibodies to such substances then you have a problem. Price did not specify which substances were involved. He suggested that a person who has an auto-immune disease might also be allergic to “papers, wood, fat, grease, alcohol, and artificial sweeteners.” Also of note, this condition can be contracted by consuming food that has been cooked at high temperatures, has been processed with pesticides or preservatives, and has a lot of dairy products in its ingredients.
I believe Price was correct in this statement, and I know many people who have experienced allergic reactions to dairy products, eggs, fish, corn, yeast, nuts, or almost any other food product on the grocery store shelves today. It is important that those suffering from an auto-immune disease realize that their bodies are producing antibodies to these substances. Unfortunately, most people never connect the foods that cause an outbreak with their outbreaks. They may believe that it is “all in their head,” but it could very well be true.
The problem of foods causing auto-immune diseases is a very real concern. This condition occurs more commonly than most people think. Price did provide information that states there is an average of four percent of Americans that suffer from an auto-immune disorder. And these disorders can potentially lead to a chronic, life-threatening illness known as cirrhosis of the liver.
Of course, Price did provide information that stated that nine percent of those involved with the medical industry are suspected of having auto-immune disorders. Nine percent! That is huge and should be cause for great concern by any health conscious person. It should also make those suffering from an auto-immune disease concerned for the same reasons.
Price was careful to state that he is not suggesting that all those who suffer from auto-immune diseases are in danger. But he did provide information that states that nineteen percent of those who take immuno-suppressive medications have been diagnosed with one or more auto-immune diseases. He said that the number will continue to rise and that many of those diagnosed will not be diagnosed for another ten years. That is alarming and it definitely calls for a movement towards more stringent measures to stop the growth of auto-immune disease.
Auto-immune disorders are thought to be caused by something as simple as diet. It is thought that the body becomes resistant to the normal functions of the immune system over time. So then, the body starts to attack its own cells. The auto-immune disorder then causes inflammation which results in the swelling of the blood vessels. Some of the symptoms of an auto-immune disease may include high white blood cell count, fatigue, joint pain, unexplained weight loss, unexplained hair loss, unexplained eczema, rashes, digestive problems, memory loss, diarrhea, constipation, swelling of the face, mouth, tongue, or extremities, and it can affect both men and women.
We may never understand fully the relationship between diet and auto-immune diseases. However, what we do know is that auto-immune diseases can be prevented if we have a healthy lifestyle. Our diets should contain foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins and low in saturated fats. A healthy diet must also include plenty of fruits, vegetables, fiber, protein, and water. If you have been diagnosed with an auto-immune disease, please speak with your doctor to learn about what kind of treatment he can give you.